
Another type of orderly propaganda was the literature that the suffragists produced, wrote, printed and distributed. This is evident in the extract of the NUWSS manifesto (left)

The written word on paper was the main form of communication in the early 1900s, a method the suffragists were able to utilise. In the leaflets, booklets and journals the suffragists were able to clearly explain in detail, their arguments for women’s suffrage.

Or the arguments could be conveyed through listing key points as seen here in the ’16 Reasons for Women’s Suffrage’.

They also had these listed points feature in their ‘Because’ booklets that gave reasons for women’s suffrage in a small A5 booklet that could fit in a pocket.

The Game Changer groups were able to handle these booklets and pamphlets when they visited Archives+ at Manchester Central Library. They then created their own Because Booklets including their own reasons why women should have been given the vote.